Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Bahasa Indonesia - Kata Baku

    Kata baku dalam bahasa Indonesia seringkali salah dalam pengucapan maupun penulisan. ini Daftar kata baku berikut ini disusun menurut urutan abjad. Kata pertama adalah kata baku menurut KBBI (kecuali ada keterangan lain) dan dianjurkan digunakan, sedangkan kata-kata selanjutnya adalah variasi ejaan lain yang kadang-kadang juga digunakan.
  1. aktif, aktip
  2. aktivitas, aktifitas
  3. al Quran, alquran
  4. analisis, analisa
  5. Anda, anda
  6. apotek, apotik (ingat: apoteker, bukan apotiker)
  7. asas, azas
  8. atlet, atlit (ingat: atletik, bukan atlitik)
  9. bus, bis
  10. besok, esok
  11. diagnosis, diagnosa
  12. ekstrem, ekstrim
  13. embus, hembus
  14. Februari, Pebruari
  15. frekuensi, frekwensi
  16. foto, Photo
  17. gladi, geladi
  18. hierarki, hirarki
  19. hipnosis (nomina), menghipnosis (verba), hipnotis (adjektiva)
  20. ibu kota, ibukota
  21. ijazah, ijasah
  22. imbau, himbau
  23. indera, indra
  24. indragiri, inderagiri
  25. istri, isteri
  26. izin, ijin
  27. jadwal, jadual
  28. jenderal, jendral
  29. Jumat, Jum'at
  30. kanker, kangker
  31. karier, karir
  32. Katolik, Katholik
  33. kendaraan, kenderaan
  34. komoditi, komoditas
  35. komplet, komplit
  36. konkret, konkrit, kongkrit
  37. kosa kata, kosakata
  38. kualitas, kwalitas, kwalitet
  39. kuantitas, kwantitas
  40. kuitansi, kwitansi
  41. kuno, kuna
  42. lokakarya, loka karya
  43. maaf, ma'af
  44. makhluk, mahluk, mahkluk (salah satu yang paling sering salah)
  45. mazhab, mahzab
  46. metode, metoda
  47. mungkir, pungkir (Ingat!)
  48. nakhoda, nahkoda, nakoda
  49. narasumber, nara sumber (berlaku juga untuk kata belakang lain)
  50. nasihat, nasehat
  51. negatif, negatip (juga kata-kata lainnya yang serupa)
  52. November, Nopember
  53. objek, obyek
  54. objektif, obyektif/p
  55. olahraga, olah raga
  56. orang tua, orangtua
  57. paham, faham
  58. persen, prosen
  59. pelepasan, penglepasan
  60. penglihatan, pelihatan; pengecualian
  61. permukiman, pemukiman
  62. perumahan, pengrumahan; baik untuk arti housing maupun PHK
  63. pikir, fikir
  64. Prancis, Perancis
  65. praktik, praktek (Ingat: praktikum, bukan praktekum)
  66. provinsi, propinsi
  67. putra, putera
  68. putri, puteri
  69. realitas, realita
  70. risiko, resiko
  71. saksama, seksama (Ingat!)
  72. samudra, samudera
  73. sangsi (=ragu-ragu), sanksi (=konsekuensi atas perilaku yang tidak benar, salah)
  74. saraf, syaraf
  75. sarat (=penuh), syarat (=kondisi yang harus dipenuhi)
  76. sekretaris, sekertaris
  77. sekuriti, sekuritas
  78. segitiga, segi tiga
  79. selebritas, selebriti
  80. sepak bola, sepakbola
  81. silakan, silahkan (Ingat!)
  82. sintesis, sintesa
  83. sistem, sistim
  84. sorga, surga, syurga
  85. subjek, subyek
  86. subjektif, subyektif/p
  87. Sumatra, Sumatera
  88. standar, standard
  89. standardisasi, standarisasi
  90. tanda tangan, tandatangan
  91. tahta, takhta
  92. teknik, tehnik
  93. telepon, tel(f/p)on, telefon, tilpon
  94. teoretis, teoritis (diserap dari: theoretical)
  95. terampil, trampil
  96. ubah (=mengganti), rubah (=serigala) -- sepertinya kedua-duanya berlaku
  97. utang, hutang (Ingat: piutang, bukan pihutang)
  98. wali kota, walikota
  99. Yogyakarta, Jogjakarta
  100. zaman, jaman
Upaya Pembakuan Lafal Bahasa Indonesia
Adanya ragam baku, termasuk lafal baku, untuk bahasa Indonesia merupakan tuntutan Sumpah Pemuda dan UUD 1945.
Pengikraran bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa persatuan dengan nama bahasa Indonesia menuntut setiap orang Indonesia untuk bisa berkomunikasi satu sama lain baik secara lisan maupun secara tertulis dalam bahasa persatuan. Penetapan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa negara berarti bahwa segala bentuk kegiatan dalam penyelenggaraan kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara dilakukan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Semua kegiatan komunikasi verbal dalam bahasa Indonesia itu, secara lisan atau secara tertulis, hanya akan mencapai hasil yang baik jika ada semacam rujukan yang dimiliki bersama--dalam hal ini ragam baku bahasa Indonesia.
Bagi Indonesia yang penduduknya menggunakan ratusan bahasa daerah dan tersebar di ribuan kepulauan, kehadiran suatu bahasa baku, termasuk lafal baku bukan hanya perlu tetapi suatu keharusan. Upaya untuk menentang pembakuan bahasa Indonesia sama artinya mengkhianati Sumpah Pemuda yang telah mengikrarkan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa persatuan

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

PSP Edisi Spesial Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

Paket PSP Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

Paket PSP Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

Anda mengaku sebagai penggemar berat serial Monster Hunter Portable? Kalau demikian, anda bisa menambahkan produk ini ke dalam daftar incaran anda: PSP-3000 Edisi Spesial Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. Hal yang menarik dari PSP ini adalah adanya motif-motif bertema Monster Hunter, baterai dengan kapasitas lebih besar (2200 mAh), serta stik analog yang sedikit dimodifikasi untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan bermain anda – khususnya dalam memainkan seri Monster Hunter Portable. ^^;

Pada Tokyo Game Show 2010 baru-baru ini, Sony mengumumkan bahwa PSP-3000 edisi spesial ini akan dirilis pada tanggal 12 Januari 2011 dengan harga 19800 Yen (sekitar Rp 2 juta). Tertarik membelinya? ^^

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

10 Game Yang Akan Keluar di Tahun 2010

Di tahun 2010 bakalan rilis game-game baru yang punya kualitas grafis dan fitur keren, dimana masih banyak didominasi sama game yang berkisah tentang game action. Umumnya game baru tersebut merupakan kelanjutan dari game yang sudah ada dan dikenal luas di dunia pergame-an.

  • Alan Wake
  • Game yang nantinya keluar pada Mei 2010 ini, bakalan menampilkan kualitas grafis yang tinggi. Game yang punya tema Psychological thriller masih dimainkan lewat PC, dan Xbox 360.

  • Bioshock 2
  • Game lanjutan dari Bioshock yang masih mengajak para gamers sekalian bertualang di kota bawah laut bernama Rapture. Bioshock masih bisa dimainkan dengan PC, Xbox 360,dan PS3.

  • Crysis 2
  • Di seri yang baru nanti, Crysis bakalan keliatan lebih jelas pada kualitas grafisnya. Tapi kayaknya untuk fitur dan aksi petualangannya nggak jauh beda sama seri yang udah ada. Crysis 2 bisa dimainkan lewat PC, Xbox 360, dan PS3.

  • Final Fantasy XIII
  • Game yang udah nggak asing lagi ini tetap bisa dimainkan lewat PC, Xbox 360,dan PS3. Masih tetap bertema RPG bakal segera hadir pada bulan Maret 2010.

  • God of War 3:
  • Game yang bisa dimainkan lewat PS3 ini, nantinya bakal diperbarui kualitas gambarnya. Untuk ceritanya sendiri, game ini adalah lanjutan dari seri yang dulu dengan tokoh utamanya Kratos.

  • Gran Turismo 5
  • Game balapan yang udah banyak penggemar beratnya ini, bakal rilis dengan kualitas gambar yang lebih tinggi dan tajam. Maka, kalau ada adegan mobil hancur lebur bakal kelihatan seperti beneran. (PS3).

  • Heavy Rain
  • Menurut gosipnya disamping gambarnya yang keren, udah begitu cerita di game ini bakalan mempengaruhi pemainnya ikutan sedih dan terharu. Heavy Rain sendiri dimainkan lewat PS3.

  • Max Payne 3
  • Game tentang aksinya Detektif Max Payne, dibikin cerita yang agak beda. Max Payne 3 sendiri punya kualitas grafis yang nggak kalah dengan game lainnya, yang bisa dimainkan lewat PC, Xbox 360, dan PS3.

  • Rage
  • Game yang bakalan bisa dinainkan lewat PS3, Xbox 360, dan PC ini, diberi sentuhan layar grafis tinggi.

  • Splinter Cell Conviction
  • Kisah aksinya si Agen Rahasia Sam Fisher ini, punya tantangan berbeda. Dirinya nggak lagi dibekali peralatan yang canggih dan lengkap tapi cuma ada peralatan yang seadanya untuk ngebebasin anaknya. Game ini nantinya bisa dimainkan di PC, dan Xbox 360. sph

    Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

    Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
    Release Date: December 1, 2010 (JP)

    ~ July 2011 (US&EU)

    System: PSP
    Generation: 3
    Monsters (First Appearance):
    Minions: Altaroth, Bnahabra, Popo, Bullfango, Melynx, Delex, Anteka, Rhenoplos, Giggi, Jaggi, Jaggia, Ludroth, Uroktor, Baggi, Gagua, Furogi, Zuwaroposu
    Bosses: Bulldrome, Diablos, Rathian, Barroth, Uragaan, Royal Ludroth, Qurupeco, Great Jaggi, Great Baggi, Gigginox, Barioth, Agnaktor, Rathalos, Tigrex, Black Tigrex, Nargacuga, Dosufurogi, Urukususu, Hapurubokka, Rangurotora, Jinouga, Aoashira, Qurupeco Subspecies, Barroth Subspecies, Royal Ludroth Subspecies

    Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (モンスターハンターポータブル3rd) is the working title of the next Monster Hunter game on the PSP. It's a new game so you won't be able to import your savegame from old games onto it. The game was 50% complete at the time of announcement.

    • It is set to be released in Japan on 1st of December.
    • The English version of the game will most likely be released 8 months after the Japanese version i.e. in August 2011. This is just a vague estimation and need not be true. There has been no statement on behalf of Capcom.



    Limited Edition PSP

    Box Packaging
    BobofangoAdded by Bobofango

    A limited edition PSP, dubbed the "Hunters PSP", has been announced at TGS 2010. Set for release at December 1st.
    Price: ¥19800 (~$240 US)
    Colour: Black+Golden
    Model: PSP-3000 MHB Full set include: PSP-3000 MHB, Battery pack 3.6v 2200mAH, AC Adapter (does not include the actual game)
    It is confirmed, that Sony/Capcom will not release the PSP in America or Europe [PROOF: ]
    Special Features

    • MHP3rd Custom Theme (also on sale for ¥100 at Japanese PSN).
    • Special design joystick (flat center).
    • Using battery pack 3.6v 2200mAH allows longer gaming time.
    • Design with thick battery cover (back-two sides) allows easy and comfortable holding.
    • Jinouga-Head Symbol on both back-sides.
    • A Yukumo Village symbol under the control button.
    • Two speaker design like a felyne paw.


    • Areas from Monster Hunter 3: Deserted Island, Sandy Plains, Tundra, Flooded Forest, and Volcano.
    • MH3 areas will have some changes.
    • Unlike MH3, the gathering points will be at fixed points rather than a random spawn.
    • There will be no underwater areas. The underwater areas of MH3 will be dried up so hunters can still have access to them.
    • A new map called the Mountain Stream (渓流).

    Map Changes

    • Deserted Island: Underwater Areas removed (12, 11, half of 10). Base Camp looks completely different and now goes to Area 1. Area 8 is accessible from Area 10 (by climbing). All of Area 4 is shown.
    • Flooded Forest: Underwater areas still present, but they all appear to have dried out. The path from Area 4 to 6 isn't one-way anymore, and there is now a path between Areas 3 and 8 (seemingly the one used by monsters in MH Tri). There also appears to be three spots (pillars) in Area 8.
    • Sandy Plains: The path from Area 11 to Area 7 isn't one-way anymore.
    • Tundra: The path from Area 3 to Area 5 isn't one-way anymore. If the path used by Deviljho in Monster Hunter 3 is opened up then Area 8 and Area 9 will appear on the map. Also, Areas 4 and 5 are bright enough to not require Torches.
    • Volcano: Seemingly no changes.

    Some areas also appear to be smaller or larger compared to the others, but it may be due to the fact that the maps were a little compressed to fit the PSP screen. Also, it is unknown whether the shortcuts from the base camps in Deserted Island, Flooded Forest, and Sandy Plains will remain, as two of the shortcuts are accessed by swimming.


    MHF3: Monster List







    Royal Ludroth






    Black Tigrex

    Most Wanted Monsters to Return in MHP3rd
    Famitsu magazine held a poll in their MHP3rd article about which previous monsters they'd like to see return to MHP3rd. Here are the results:

    1. Yian Kut-Ku
    2. Nargacuga
    3. Tigrex
    4. Rathalos
    5. Rajang
    6. Deviljho
    7. Kirin
    8. Khezu
    9. Jhen Mohran
    10. Yian Garuga


    • Game setting is "Yukumo Village" (ユクモ村), which has a very Traditional Japanese theme in the Fall/Autumn.
    • The chief of this village is a younger woman descendant of the Dragon Tribe (Wyverian).
    • A unisex spa facility in the gathering hall replaces the Felyne Kitchen for pre-quest status boosts. Status boosts are preformed by using action commands. The switch from Armor to bathing clothes is seamless and requires no loading screen. More than one player can use the spa facility at the same time. Felyne Comrades will also be allowed to bath with you. Actions in the hot spring include Sitting Down, Back Float, Placing Toys, Holding Breath Underwater, Overhead Clap, Playful Splash, etc.
    • A large farm with new features (unspecified).
    • The felyne comrade and the chart board will be in the village farm.

    Full View

    Item Store


    Outdoor Spa

    Yukumo Farm


    • It is named as "Yukumo Farm".
    • It is larger than Pokke Farm (MHFU/MHP2G).
    • As the felyne kitchen is no longer in MHP3rd, the felyne comrade and the comrade chart board has been placed in the farm (near the farm entrance).
    • This farm is filled with waterfalls and beautiful landscape.
    • There will be more features than Pokke Farm (Unspecified).
    • There will be a new feature in the farm that will let you cook many steaks at once.


    MHF3: Weapons
    Great SwordLong SwordSword and ShieldDual SwordsHammerHunting HornLanceGun LanceSwitch AxeLight BowgunHeavy BowgunBow

    Sword and Shield

    Dual Sword

    Long Sword

    Great Sword


    Hunting Horn



    Switch Axe

    Light Bowgun

    Heavy Bowgun


    • 12 weapons in total, including the Switch Axe from Monster Hunter 3.
      • Great Sword, Long Sword, Sword & Shield, Dual Swords, Hammer, Hunting Horn, Lance, Gunlance, Switch Axe, Light Bowgun, Heavy Bowgun, Bow.
    • No Bowgun customization. It is back to the Light and Heavy Bowguns only.
    • New attacks for most old weapons; Greatsword and Lance remain unchanged from Monster Hunter 3.
    • Gun Lance has changed significantly adding new attacks as seen in the trailer. The featured new attack where the hunter cocks the Gunlance, slashes downwards and fires seems to use up all the currently loaded shells at once, as in the trailer there are 3 simultaneously explosions in the attack.
    • When using the Switch Axe, you can now chain the infinite side swings to the overhead attack.
    • When using Heavy Bowgun, you can now kneel down and then choose from specific ammo-types in your inventory. You can fire some of them without reloading, other have a much larger capacity. However, you are unable to move in that position.
    • The Bow will gain a new, bluish bottle. It will probably have the stamina reducing effect as the color is similar to the Bowgun Bullet having this effect. [Proof]
    • Only nine of these twelve weapons are featured in the demo version; Gunlance, Hunting Horn and Bow are not available.


    Yukumo starting armor
    BobofangoAdded by Bobofango
    • Will use the armor skill points system.

    Felyne Comrades

    • Felyne Comrades return, along with new features similiar to ChaCha (MH3). Up to two Felyne Comrades can be taken into a quest at the same time to better simulate multiplayer.
    • Felyne armors can be customized in two parts: Helmet and Torso. They are seen wearing the armor of Rathalos, Rathian, Jaggi, Urukususu, Ludroth, Aoashira, Zuwaroposu, Qurupeco, Barroth and Uragaan in the trailer and screenshots.
    • Felyne weapons can either be Slash or Impact damage. Weapons can also be customized.
    • The creation of Felyne equipment will use monster parts, but will utilize a different system than previously seen before.
    • A health bar has been given to the Felyne Comrades. This bar is placed under its name, same as the health bar when in multiplayer.
    • Felyne comrades can now utilise Boomerangs and Bounce Bombs (see trailer).
    • New trailer shows two hunters fighting with two Felynes.
    • 1 Felyne for each hunter can be brought along in online quests. Only 2 hunters can bring a felyne into online quests.
    • Felyne data from Monster Hunter Diary: Felyne Village can be imported into MHP3rd and will also unlock a special armor.


    Nyan Jirou
    BobofangoAdded by Bobofango
    • There will be less content than Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, but more quests than MHF2.
    • There will be high emphasis on graphics and sound quality.
    • There will be a temporary pouch which will store up to eight items. This pouch will be made empty when you start a new quest.
    • So called Felyne "Nyan Jirou" (ニャン次郎) will transport items from quest to your village item box.
    • There is no data transfer, but you MIGHT be able to unlock bonuses by loading a MHFU/MHP2G save file. This has not been confirmed.
    • Players will be able to name their characters in Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji, which previous games did not allow.
    • Improved communication system in multiplayer (unspecified; probably Voice Chat as there is some suspicious Icon in the demo).
    • 4 player Ad-hoc Multiplayer is confirmed.
    • Currently, there is no infrastructure for online multiplayer. Current information about infrastructure only pertains to downloaded quests. Any information stating otherwise (other than Capcom) is just hearsay or unconfirmed rumors.
      • According to this Kotaku japanese blog, there will be infrastructure for "web play", this is either incorrect or a case of "lost in translation".
    • The game will be sold at a price of 5800 Yen.
    • There will be a playable demo of MHP3 on the "Tokyo games show" (Sept.16 for Press, Sept.18 for public) with 3 Quests.
      • Easy Difficulty: Royal Ludroth in the Deserted Island.
      • Average Difficulty: Aoashira and Jinouga in the Mountain Stream (Aoashira must be defeated before Jinouga will appear).
      • Hard Difficulty: Black Tigrex in the Volcano.
    • The TGS demo will also feature 2 "Felyne Comrades" for solo play, and a choice between all 12 available weapons.
    • A public demo will be available in October as a download from the Japanese PSN, although it will require a product code only MonHan Club (モンハン部) members will have access to. It will feature Royal Ludroth in the Deserted Island and Barroth Subspecies in the Tundra.
    • There will also be "Drink" and "Hot Spring" Quests received from a Felyne. Fulfilling those Quests will expand the variety of drinks you can take in the Hot Spring / expand the Hot Spring.
    • Hirokazu Hamamura, CEO of Famitsu Publisher Enterbrain, estimated the count of sold copies to be above 5.000.000 which would make the game more popular than Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G.
    • According to an interview of GAME ONE, this game MIGHT see a western release in July 2011. [French, Source]
